
Who Am I Without Alcohol?

Who Am I Without Alcohol?

Kyle Williams

Even before getting sober, I struggled to wrap my head around the question, if I remove this "thing" who will I be? For me, the "thing" was always alcohol. My...

Who Am I Without Alcohol?

Kyle Williams

Even before getting sober, I struggled to wrap my head around the question, if I remove this "thing" who will I be? For me, the "thing" was always alcohol. My...

Am I Boring Without Alcohol?

Am I Boring Without Alcohol?

Kyle Williams

For the longest time I believed that without alcohol, I didn't have anything to offer in social settings or my interactions with friends. How was I supposed to "fit in" and...

Am I Boring Without Alcohol?

Kyle Williams

For the longest time I believed that without alcohol, I didn't have anything to offer in social settings or my interactions with friends. How was I supposed to "fit in" and...