Am I Boring Without Alcohol?

Am I Boring Without Alcohol?

Kyle Williams

A question I would always ask myself is, "Am I boring without alcohol?"


For the longest time I believed that without alcohol, I didn't have anything to offer in social settings or my interactions with friends. How was I supposed to "fit in" and be funny, desirable, or interesting without something to enhance myself?


When I first got sober I was terrified to be in any social setting because I knew that for the first time, I would have to present the "real me" and what happens if being me is not enough.


The biggest lie I ever told myself was that being the "real me" wouldn't be accepted or that I needed to hide behind alcohol to connect with people. When choosing to be sober, for what seemed to be the first time in my life, my interactions became meaningful and genuine and the relationships with my friends and family had real depth and connection.


 If you've ever asked yourself "Who will I be without alcohol?" I want to encourage you to know that you are already enough and that you don't need anything to enhance who you already are.


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